♦ A dull or severe pain in the middle upper or left abdomen which slowly radiates towards the back and lasts for several days. ♦ Acute terrible pain on the left or the right flank which radiates down towards the groin or the lower abdomen. Kidney stones or the stones found in the upper ureter causes: ♦ Pericarditis, the inflammation caused in the heart sac Pain in Back and Upper Abdomen ♦ Dissection of abdominal aorta or the Thoracic Aorta Sudden and Rare Causes of Back and Chest Pain.♦ Pain in the back and chest due to coughing ♦ Excessive burning pain along with itchy red rashes that travel horizontally around the chest as stripes on one particular side.Īn acute viral bronchitis is caused due to flu or cold. The reactivation of a simple infection on one or more spinal nerves caused by the Herpes zoster virus is termed as Shingles.
The burning pain occurs in the upper back, throat and behind the breastbone. ♦ Heartburn that is triggered due to lying down or eating spicy food. ♦ Acidic or a metallic taste in your mouth ♦ Neck and upper back pain that stays for a longer time such as weeks or months. This pain gets resolved within a couple of days.Ī sprain caused due to a sudden, unexpected back and forth jerk in your head due to the motorbike or car accidents lead to a tear in the ligaments or the tendons in the cervical spine. ♦ Painful neck spasms that can make moving your neck complicated and also leave your head tilted towards one side for ease. This pain may be persistent while rest and can get increased while twisting your torso, bending your neck or even moving your arms.Īn unusual sudden movement of your neck, sleeping on the wrong side or way, a severe neck injury or a simple ear infection can result to: ♦ Sudden acute pain in the upper back or the neck. ♦ Local bruising, swelling or tenderness in the area. Sports activities above your neck and head such as throwing, swimming or stretching to get an object from an upper shelf results to muscular strains or a tear in the muscles of your upper neck or lower back.